Saturday, February 19, 2011


The more i think about moving to Hawaii, the more appealing it seems. I just spoke to a friend of mine who told me i needed a vacation. I told him that was impossible. I have college courses, teaching, tutoring, family and a messy break up to deal with. There's no way i can leave it all, I'd just feel like i was running away from responsibility and that's not something that sits well with me. He still thinks i need a break. That i should stop caring so much about what people think and just be. I got to admit- that sounds nice. Very nice. But realistically speaking, public opinion does matter to a certain point. I think people would be quite different if there were no consequences to people's actions. I could leave everything now, but it wouldn't be fair to leave things for others to deal with, and i can't just put my degree on hold. So for now it looks like I'll have to say goodbye to grass skirts and coconut bras. I'd love to revisit that idea later on, but for now it looks like i'll have to let loose some other way. My friend is suggesting streaking on the beach next Sunday when he comes back from the army. I'll see how I'm feeling then.

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